The Kahuna Creations' Shaka Longboards are Kahuna Creations' crown jewels of the product line up. There is nothing like riding this board because of the incredible shape and setup. The shape features a 14" wide deck with a huge rocker shape (the tip and tail bend upwards). The shape is engineered to provide the smoothest ride and deliver deep carving action. The wide footprint along with the rocker shape gives the riders such a smooth ride and ultimate control.
If you want a board that is perfect for landpaddling, the Shaka is the board for you.
The Shaka Su'a Longboard features the original artwork of Samoan Chief and owner of Black Wave Tattoo in Los Angeles, California...Su'a Su'lape Freewind. Beautiful artwork presents an incredible longboard that will be loved for many years.
This longboard is a true, soulful board that will be cherished for many many years.
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