Pineapple Paddler

Roses are red, violets are blue, Kahuna boards are perfect for me and YOU! Tired of the same old Valentine's Day routine? We get it. That's why we've cooked up some seriously fun and unique date ideas that will have you and your boo falling head over heels

Ditch the gym! Kahuna Big Stick Land Paddle combines longboard & SUP for a fun, challenging workout that improves balance, cardio & reduces stress.
Kahuna Creations is proud to introduce3 new products in the quiver! 2 New and improved Adjustable Kahuna Big Sticks -The Hydro and Magma! The incredible GenV Road Blade! These Kahuna land paddle products are the culmination of 12 years of...
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Kahuna Creations is proud to announce the 2017 Video Contest winner...Damien Nobel Andrews! Damien captured the essence of Kahuna Creations. The fun, the thrill and exhilaration, the smoothness, the workout of riding Kahuna Creations products. Please help us share the...
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It’s an hour or two after lunch; you feel the need to grab that X Hour Energy buzz to survive the rest of the day. You feel a slight rush of vitality…but something is still off. You're somewhat energized, but...
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